Source code for onix.backend.sql.dao

"""DAO implementations for SQL backend"""
import calendar
import datetime

from future.utils import iteritems
import sqlalchemy as sa

from onix import metrics
from onix.reporting import dao as _dao
from onix.backend.sql import schema

[docs]class ReportingDAO(_dao.ReportingDAO): """ SQL implementation of ReportingDAO interface Args: connection (sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection) : connection to the SQL backend """ def __init__(self, connection): self.conn = connection self.conn.connection.create_function('weight', 3, metrics.skill_chance) def _filtered_battles(self, month, metagame, min_turns): """ Filter out battles that are not in the date range, not the right metagame or are too short (early forfeit policy) Args: month (str) : the month to analyze metagame (str) : the sanitized name of the metagame min_turns (int) : don't count any battles fewer than this many turns in length. Returns: sa.sql.expression.Alias : the filtered view of the battle_infos table """ battle_infos = schema.battle_infos month_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(month, '%Y%m').date() _, last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(month_start.year, month_start.month) month_end =, month_start.month, last_day_of_month) query = ([]) .select_from(battle_infos) .where(battle_infos.c.format == metagame) .where(, month_end))) if min_turns > 0: query = query.where(battle_infos.c.turns >= min_turns) return query.alias() def get_number_of_battles(self, month, metagame, min_turns=3): query = self._filtered_battles(month, metagame, min_turns) query =[sa.func.count()]).select_from(query) result = self.conn.execute(query) return result.fetchone()[0] def _weighted_players(self, battles, baseline): """ Gets player weights for the specified battles Args: battles (sa.sql.expression.Alias) : the relevant battles baseline (float) : the baseline to use for skill_chance. Defaults to 1630. .. note :: a baseline of zero corresponds to unweighted stats Returns: sa.sql.expression.Alias : the relevant battle_players table with weight added """ players = schema.battle_players join = sa.join(battles, players, == query =['bid'), players.c.side.label('side'),'pid'), players.c.tid.label('tid'), players.c.w.label('w'), players.c.l.label('l'), players.c.t.label('t'), players.c.elo.label('elo'), players.c.r.label('r'), players.c.rd.label('rd'), players.c.rpr.label('rpr'), players.c.rprd.label('rprd')]).select_from(join) filtered = query.alias() # policy is to use provisional ratings r = sa.func.ifnull(filtered.c.rpr, 1500.) rd = sa.func.ifnull(filtered.c.rprd, 130.) if baseline == 0.: weight = sa.literal_column("1") elif baseline > 1500.: weight =[(rd > 100., 0)], else_=sa.func.weight(r, rd, baseline)) else: weight = sa.func.weight(r, rd, baseline) query =[, filtered.c.side,, filtered.c.tid, weight.label('weight')]).select_from(filtered) return query.alias() def get_total_weight(self, month, metagame, baseline=1630., min_turns=3): players = self._weighted_players( self._filtered_battles(month, metagame, min_turns), baseline) query =[sa.func.sum(players.c.weight)]).select_from(players) result = self.conn.execute(query) return result.fetchone()[0] or 0 def _weighted_team_members(self, players, sl_table): """ Gets weights for individual team members and prettifies species names Args: players (sa.sql.expression.Alias) : The relevant players with weights sl_table (sa.Table) : table containing species mappings Returns: sa.sql.expression.Alias : the relevant teams table with prettified species names and weights added """ teams = schema.teams mf = schema.moveset_forme formes = schema.formes join = sa.join(players, teams, onclause=players.c.tid == teams.c.tid) join = join.join(mf, onclause=teams.c.sid == mf.c.sid) join = join.join(formes, onclause=mf.c.fid == join = (['bid'), players.c.side.label('side'), players.c.weight.label('weight'), teams.c.idx.label('slot'), teams.c.sid.label('sid'), formes.c.species.label('species'),'prime')]) .select_from(join) .order_by(formes.c.species) .order_by( combo_formes = sa.func.group_concat(join.c.species ).label('combined_formes') by_combo_forme = ([, join.c.side, join.c.weight, join.c.slot, join.c.sid, combo_formes]) .select_from(join) .group_by(, join.c.side, join.c.slot)).alias() join = by_combo_forme.join(sl_table, onclause=by_combo_forme.c.combined_formes == sl_table.c.species, isouter=True) pretty = sa.func.ifnull(sl_table.c.pretty, '-' + by_combo_forme.c.combined_formes) query = ([, by_combo_forme.c.side, by_combo_forme.c.weight, by_combo_forme.c.slot, by_combo_forme.c.sid, pretty.label('species')]) .select_from(join)) return query.alias() def _remove_duplicates(self, team_members): """ Prevent double-counting in usage stats for metagames without species clause by combining team members of the same species Args: team_members (sa.sql.expression.Alias) : the relevant weighted team members Returns: sa.sql.expression.Alias : the input table with duplicate team members combined """ query = ([, team_members.c.side, team_members.c.weight, sa.func.count(team_members.c.slot).label('count'), team_members.c.species]) .select_from(team_members).group_by(, team_members.c.side, team_members.c.species)) return query.alias() def get_usage_by_species(self, month, metagame, species_lookup, baseline=1630., min_turns=3): sl_table = sa.Table('species_lookup', schema.metadata, sa.Column('species', sa.String(512), primary_key=True), sa.Column('pretty', sa.String(64), nullable=False), prefixes=['TEMPORARY'], keep_existing=True) sl_table.drop(bind=self.conn, checkfirst=True) sl_table.create(bind=self.conn) rows = [{'species': k, 'pretty': v} for k, v in iteritems(species_lookup)] self.conn.execute(sl_table.insert(), rows) team_members = self._remove_duplicates( self._weighted_team_members( self._weighted_players( self._filtered_battles(month, metagame, min_turns), baseline), sl_table)) total = sa.func.sum(team_members.c.weight).label('sum') query = ([team_members.c.species, total]) .select_from(team_members) .group_by(team_members.c.species) .order_by(total.desc())) return list(self.conn.execute(query))