Source code for onix.backend.sql.sinks

"""Sink implementations for SQL backend"""
import hashlib

from collections import OrderedDict

from future.utils import iteritems

from onix.model import Moveset, Forme, BattleInfo, Player
from onix.utilities import compute_sid
from onix.collection import sinks as _sinks
from onix.backend.sql import schema

[docs]def compute_tid(team, sanitizer=None): """ Computes the Team ID for the given group of movesets Args: team (:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`Moveset` or :obj:`str`) : the team for which to compute the TID, represented either by their movesets or by their SIDs sanitizer (:obj:`onix.utilities.Sanitizer`, optional): if no sanitizer is provided, movesets are assumed to be already sanitized. Otherwise, the provided ``Sanitizer`` is used to sanitize the movesets. Returns: str: the corresponding Team ID Examples: >>> from onix.model import Moveset, Forme, PokeStats >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import compute_tid >>> delphox = Moveset([Forme('delphox', 'magician', ... PokeStats(282, 158, 222, 257, 220, 265))], ... 'f', 'lifeorb', ['calmmind', 'psychic'], 100, 255) >>> ditto = Moveset([Forme('ditto', 'imposter', ... PokeStats(259, 164, 98, 134, 126, 123))], ... 'u', 'focussash', ['transform'], 100, 255) >>> print(compute_tid([delphox, ditto])) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS 4e49b0eb... """ if isinstance(team[0], Moveset): sids = [compute_sid(moveset, sanitizer) for moveset in team] elif isinstance(team[0], str): sids = team else: raise TypeError('team is neither an iterable of movesets nor SIDs') sids = sorted(sids) team_hash = hashlib.sha512(repr(sids).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # may eventually want to truncate hash, e.g. # team_hash = team_hash[:16] return team_hash
[docs]def compute_fid(forme, sanitizer=None): """ Computes the Forme ID for a given forme Args: forme (Forme) : the forme to compute the FID for. sanitizer (:obj:`onix.utilities.Sanitizer`, optional): if no sanitizer is provided, the forme is assumed to be already sanitized. Otherwise, the provided ``Sanitizer`` is used to sanitize the forme. Returns: str : the corresponding Forme ID Examples: >>> from onix.model import Forme, PokeStats >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import compute_fid >>> forme = Forme('stunfisk', 'static', ... PokeStats(369, 168, 177, 258, 225, 73)) >>> print(compute_fid(forme)) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS 2220c1624d... """ if sanitizer is not None: forme = sanitizer.sanitize(forme) forme_hash = hashlib.sha512(repr(forme).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # may eventually want to truncate hash, e.g. # forme_hash = forme_hash[:16] return forme_hash
[docs]def convert_forme(forme): """ Converts a ``Forme`` object to a row of values in an insert expression into the formes table Args: forme (Forme) : the forme to convert. Is assumed to be sanitized. Returns: tuple : the corresponding row for an insert expression into the formes table Examples: >>> from onix.model import Forme, PokeStats >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import convert_forme >>> forme = Forme('heatmor', 'gluttony', ... PokeStats(333, 241, 170, 253, 150, 204)) >>> row = convert_forme(forme) >>> print(row['ability']) gluttony >>> print(row['hp']) 333 """ row = dict(id=compute_fid(forme), species=forme.species, ability=forme.ability) row.update(dict(zip(forme.stats._fields, forme.stats))) return row
[docs]def convert_moveset(sid, moveset): """ Converts a Moveset DTO to rows of values for insert expressions Args: sid (str) : the SID of the moveset moveset (dto.Moveset) : the moveset to convert. Is assumed to be sanitized. Returns: :obj:`dict` of :obj:`sa.Table` to :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` : the corresponding insert rows. The keys are the table names, the values are the rows to insert. Examples: >>> from onix.model import Moveset, Forme, PokeStats >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import convert_moveset >>> from onix.backend.sql import schema >>> moveset = Moveset([Forme('diglett', 'sandveil', ... PokeStats(17, 11, 9, 11, 10, 17))], ... 'm', 'leftovers', ... ['earthquake', 'rockslide', 'shadowclaw', ... 'substitute'], 5, 255) >>> rows = convert_moveset('f4ce673a1', moveset) >>> print(rows[schema.movesets][0]['item']) leftovers >>> print(sum(map(lambda x:len(x), rows.values()))) 7 """ rows = dict() rows[schema.movesets] = [dict(id=sid, gender=moveset.gender, item=moveset.item, level=moveset.level, happiness=moveset.happiness)] rows[schema.moveslots] = [dict(sid=sid, idx=i, move=move) for i, move in enumerate(moveset.moves)] formes = [convert_forme(forme) for forme in moveset.formes] rows[schema.formes] = formes rows[schema.moveset_forme] = [dict(sid=sid, fid=forme['id'], prime=(i == 0)) for i, forme in enumerate(formes)] return rows
[docs]def convert_team(team_sids): """ Converts a list of SIDs specifying a player's team into the corresponding rows of values for an insert expression into the teams table Args: team_sids (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`) : the SIDs corresponding to a player's pokemon Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` : The corresponding rows for an insert expression into the teams table Examples: >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import convert_team >>> rows = convert_team(['ghi', 'abc', 'def']) >>> print(rows[0]['tid']) #doctest +ELLIPSIS 8711a93... >>> print(rows[1]['sid']) def """ team_sids.sort() tid = compute_tid(team_sids) rows = [dict(tid=tid, idx=i, sid=sid) for i, sid in enumerate(team_sids)] return rows
[docs]def convert_player(player, bid, side, tid): """ Converts a Players DTO to a row of values in an insert expression into the battle_players table Args: player (dto.Player) : the Player to convert bid (int) : the battle ID side (int) : the player's "index" in the battle. .. note:: this index is one-based rather than zero-based, so as to maintain consistency with log references (*i.e.* "player 1 vs. player 2"). tid (str) : the TID for the player's team Returns: tuple : the corresponding row for an insert expression into the battle_players table Examples: >>> from onix.model import Player >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import convert_player >>> player = Player(id='chaos', rating={'elo': 1311.1479745117863, ... 'rpr': None, ... 'r': 1227.7501280633721, ... 'l': 83, 'rprd': None, ... 'rd': 129.53915739500627, ... 'w': 40}) >>> row = convert_player(player, 5134, 1, 'aac491ca1') >>> print(row['w']) 40 >>> print(row['t']) None >>> print(row['rpr']) None """ ratings = {metric: player.rating.get(metric, None) for metric in ('w', 'l', 't', 'elo', 'r', 'rd', 'rpr', 'rprd')} row = dict(bid=bid, side=side,, tid=tid) row.update(ratings) return row
[docs]def convert_battle_info(battle_info): """ Converts a Moveset DTO to rows of values for insert expressions Args: battle_info (dto.BattleInfo) : the BattleInfo to convert Returns: :obj:`dict` of :obj:`sa.Table` to :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` : the corresponding insert rows. The keys are the table names, the values are the rows to insert. Examples: >>> import datetime >>> from onix.model import BattleInfo, Player >>> from onix.backend.sql import schema >>> from onix.backend.sql.sinks import convert_battle_info >>> battle_info = BattleInfo(5776, 'randombattle', ..., 9, 21), ... [Player('echad', {'w': 1, 'l': 0}), ... Player('shtaymin', {'w': 0, 'l': 1})], ... [['abc', 'cab', 'bac'], ... ['123', '312', '213']], 16, 'forfeit') >>> rows = convert_battle_info(battle_info) >>> print(rows[schema.battle_players][0]['side']) 1 >>> print(rows[schema.battle_players][0]['tid']) #doctest +ELLIPSIS 267e429f... >>> print(rows[schema.teams][0]['tid']) #doctest +ELLIPSIS 267e429f... """ rows = dict() teams = [convert_team(team) for team in battle_info.slots] rows[schema.teams] = sum(teams, []) rows[schema.battle_infos] = [dict(, format=battle_info.format,, turns=battle_info.turn_length, end_type=battle_info.end_type)] rows[schema.battle_players] = [convert_player(player,, i + 1, teams[i][0]['tid']) for i, player in enumerate(battle_info.players)] return rows
class _InsertHandler(object): """ Handler for caching SQL inserts and executing them in bulk Args: *tables (:obj:`list` of :obj:`sa.Table`) : the tables to perform inserts into, in the order in which inserts should be performed """ def __init__(self, *tables): self.tables = tables self.cache = self._new_cache() def _new_cache(self): """ Creates an empty cache Returns: dict : the empty cache """ cache = OrderedDict() for table in self.tables: cache[table] = [] return cache def add_to_cache(self, inserts): """ Add insert rows to the cache Args: inserts (`dict`) : the rows to insert, with the keys being the tables into which the rows will be inserted Returns: None """ for table, rows in iteritems(inserts): self.cache[table] += rows def perform_inserts(self, connection): with connection.begin() as transaction: for table, rows in iteritems(self.cache): if rows: connection.execute(table.insert(), rows) self.cache = self._new_cache()
[docs]class MovesetSink(_sinks.MovesetSink): """ SQL implementation of the MovesetSink interface Args: connection (sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection) : connection to the SQL backend batch_size (:obj:`int`, optional) : the number of movesets to go through before actually committing to the database, defaults to 1000 """ def __init__(self, connection, batch_size=1000): self.count = 0 self.batch_size = batch_size self.conn = connection self.insert_handler = _InsertHandler(schema.movesets, schema.moveslots, schema.formes, schema.moveset_forme) def flush(self): self.insert_handler.perform_inserts(self.conn) self.count = 0 def close(self): self.flush() def store_movesets(self, movesets): for sid, moveset in iteritems(movesets): self.insert_handler.add_to_cache(convert_moveset(sid, moveset)) self.count += 1 if self.count >= self.batch_size: self.flush()
[docs]class BattleInfoSink(_sinks.BattleInfoSink): """ SQL implementation of the MovesetSink interface Args: connection (sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection) : connection to the SQL backend batch_size (:obj:`int`, optional) : the number of battles to go through before actually committing to the database, defaults to 100 """ def __init__(self, connection, batch_size=100): self.count = 0 self.batch_size = batch_size self.conn = connection self.insert_handler = _InsertHandler(schema.teams, schema.battle_infos, schema.battle_players) def flush(self): self.insert_handler.perform_inserts(self.conn) self.count = 0 def close(self): self.flush() def store_battle_info(self, battle_info): self.insert_handler.add_to_cache(convert_battle_info(battle_info)) self.count += 1 if self.count >= self.batch_size: self.flush()