Source code for onix.reporting.dao

"""Interface for pulling data needed for report-generation"""
import abc

from future.utils import with_metaclass

[docs]class ReportingDAO(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ Data Access Object for getting the raw data needed to produce reports Notes: The same filtering logic should be applied across all methods, that is, if it's policy to discard early forfeits for stat-counting, they should be discarded for battle-counting as well """ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def get_usage_by_species(self, month, metagame, species_lookup, baseline=1630., min_turns=3): """ Get usage counts by species Args: month (str) : the month to analyze metagame (str) : the sanitized name of the metagame species_lookup (dict) : mapping of species names or forme-concatenations to their display names. This is what handles things like determining whether megas are tiered together or separately or what counts as an "appearance-only" forme. baseline (:obj:`float`, optional) : the baseline to use for skill_chance. Defaults to 1630. .. note :: a baseline of zero corresponds to unweighted stats min_turns (:obj:`int`, optional) : don't count any battles fewer than this many turns in length. Defaults value is 3. Returns: :obj:`iterable` of :obj:`tuple` : weighted usage counts for each species, sorted from highest usage to lowest. The first value in each tuple is the Pokemon's display name, the second the weighted count. If a species' display name is not specified (not in the `species_lookup` dictionary), then the display name will be given as the species' sanitized name, prepended with "-". """
[docs] def get_number_of_battles(self, month, metagame, min_turns=3): """ Get the number of battles Args: month (str) : the month to analyze metagame (str) : the sanitized name of the metagame min_turns (:obj:`int`, optional) : don't count any battles fewer than this many turns in length. Defaults value is 3. Returns: int : The number of battles in that metagame in that month """
[docs] def get_total_weight(self, month, metagame, baseline=1630., min_turns=3): """ Get the sum of weights Args: month (str) : the month to analyze metagame (str) : the sanitized name of the metagame baseline (:obj:`float`, optional) : the baseline to use for weighting. Defaults to 1630. .. note :: a baseline of zero corresponds to unweighted stats min_turns (:obj:`int`, optional) : don't count any battles fewer than this many turns in length. Defaults value is 3. Returns: float : The sum of the weights for each team-instance for that month and metagame at the specified baseline """